A Child Survivor Pieces Together her Holocaust Past: Marijke Brown in conversation with Wolfe Professor Doris Bergen

When and Where

Monday, April 19, 2021 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Online, Zoom


Marijke Brown


The Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Chair in Holocaust Studies at the University of Toronto Lecture

Marijke Brown

A Child Survivor Pieces Together her Holocaust Past: Marijke Brown in conversation with Wolfe Professor Doris Bergen

Date: Monday April 19 at 4:00PM

Description: Is there more to learn about the Holocaust? Marijke Brown shows the answer is “yes.” She was born in Amsterdam to German Jewish parents in 1943 – too late to remember the Holocaust but not late enough to avoid its destructive force. Please join us for a discussion with Marijke Brown about her journey to find her family, her history, and herself.

Moderator Dr. Joanna Krongold, visuals by Eli Brown

**This event will be conducted via Zoom. To attend the lecture, please visit *this* link on Monday, April 19 at 4pm. 

Contact Information


Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Professor in Holocaust Studies Lecture

