*IN YIDDISH* Diego Rotman, Men lekt nisht keyn honik: vegn Dzigan un Shumachers teater
When and Where
Himel Family Yiddish Lecture Series
Co-sponsored by the Al and Malka Green Fund in Yiddish Studies
Diego Rotman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Men lekt nisht keyn honik: vegn Dzigan un Shumachers teater
An introduction to the work of two of the most popular and distinguished theater comedians of the Yiddish theater, Shimen Dzigan and Yisroel Shumacher, as well as to their political satire in the State of Israel (1950-1980)
Diego Rotman is a researcher, multidisciplinary artist, and curator. His research focuses on performative practices as related to local historiography, folklore, and Yiddish theatre. Diego served as the Head of the Department of Theatre Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem between 2019-2024, and is currently a visiting professor at the ATCJS (2024-2025).
This event is conducted entirely in Yiddish